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We mainly use cookies for anonymous traffic analysis and to improve our website. If you set your browser to block cookies, it is possible that the website will slow down and some parts of the website may not work completely correctly.

Accessibility claim

The official website of Dúbravica follows the rules specified in Act Nm. 275/2006 on Information Systems for Public Administration and subsequent rulings.

Accessibility Standards

This website is accessible without images, style sheets and JavaScript. Font size is defined in relative units and the text size can be adjusted by common browser tools.

Headings, lists and tables are correctly defined, and all relevant images have alternative text. Font colour and background colour comply with the rules for contrast and brightness difference.

All documents for download are provided in permitted formats, mainly PDF, RTF and XLS.

All links open in the same window or browser tab except where specificaly mentioned or indicated by the link‘s title and icon.


This website has been validated by W3C service as XHTML 1.0 Transitional.

Website authors

This website is generated by AlejTech CMS created by AlejTech, Ltd.

Technical support and webdesign

The official website of Dúbravica is generated by AlejTech CMS and is operating on AlejTech, Ltd. servers.

AlejTech, Ltd.
Revolučná 7
821 01  Bratislava
+421 (0)2 6478 0616 – accessible webdesign, e-shops, intranets, CRMs, webhosting, SEO and graphic design.